Opinion - 2010/7/1
Exploding Two Myths, Confirming Two Suspicions by Jeff Fritz
opinions stated here have been formed during my many years in this
industry, and gleaned from my day-to-day management of almost 30
reviewers here at the SoundStage! Network."
Equipment review - 2010/7/1
890 Stereo Amplifier by Garrett
its sound isn’t showy, and doesn’t immediately call attention to
itself with some striking yet eventually tiresome sonic
characteristic, the more I listened, the more its general
evenhandedness and superb midrange eventually worked on me an
alluringly sensuous magic."
Feature article -
Evolution: 1950-2010 by Simeon Louis Sandiford
industry has evolved from its preferred format of retrieving
information stored in the grooves of long-playing vinyl records
using a phonographic pickup stylus."
Equipment review - 2010/6/15
XLO Electric Signature 3 Speaker Cables, Interconnects, Digital Cables, and Power Cords by
Doug Blackburn
Signature 3 cables are one of the two holy grails of neutrality I’ve
found so far. I have the highest regard for the Signature 3s, for
their honesty and for their complete refusal to play games with the
sound of my reference system."
Opinion - 2010/6/1
Absolute Nonsense by Jeff Fritz
"I could go on and on about what makes a legitimate high-end product, protecting
the consumer at all costs, writing relevant articles, etc. But do I really need to?"
Equipment review - 2010/6/1
EgglestonWorks III Loudspeakers by Jeff Fritz
"My primary motivation for wanting to review the EgglestonWorks Andra III
loudspeaker was my positive experiences with the companys entry-level floorstanding
model, the Dianne."
Equipment review -
Artisan Silver Cables Ultimate Silver Dream Interconnects by Kevin
"Silver cables are considered by many to be the best possible link between
components. But silver is expensive; to move up to silver interconnects, you usually have
to spend a lot of money."
Opinion - 2010/5/1
Frequency Response Isn't the Only
Thing by Jeff Fritz
"Over the past four years or so Ive measured the frequency responses of
almost 30 loudspeakers in my listening room, the Music Vault, and the exercise has been a
fruitful one."
Equipment review -
Vandersteen Audio Model Seven Loudspeakers by Peter Roth
"In keeping with the Vandersteen tradition, some might now say that the best
six-figure speaker you can buy is the $45,000/pair Vandersteen Model Seven."
Music Features - 2010/5/1
Belated Return of Maris Sylvia
and Coppélia by Richard Freed
"At the very least, they are powerful reminders of the unique allure of this
music, and if they only remind you to scout out and compare the few competing versions,
that too is something you may enjoy."
Equipment review -
Zyl Audio Frontline Loudspeakers by Vade Forrester
"What the Frontline does do, however, is deliver fast, detailed sound with
hard-hitting dynamics and fully developed instrumental color."
Opinion - 2010/4/1
Warren Buffett an Audiophile? by
Jeff Fritz
"Maybe, maybe not. But this statement by Buffett, or a version of it, is relevant
to audiophiles: 'Its far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a
fair company at a wonderful price.'"
Equipment review -
Dynamica Clever Little Clock Signature Version by Randall Smith
"Machina Dynamica offers a 30-day money-back guarantee for the Clever Little
Clock. If this sort of tweak sounds interesting to you, you have little to lose. But the
Clever Little Clock didnt work for me."
Feature article -
Advent Wont Stop Jack: TELARC
-- Far Away from Advent Record Company by Simeon Louis Sandiford
"In 1970, Jack Renner founded Advent Record Company, producing classical
offerings for professional musicians. Robert Woods joined one year later as part-time tape
Equipment review -
Stillpoints ESS
28-40-3 Equipment Rack by Norm Luttbeg
"I well remember the Golden Age of high-end audio, when you just put your
equipment on a shelf, plugged it into the wall, and listened. How different those times
were, especially considering the price and design of the Stillpoints ESS 28-40-3 rack
which costs $10,275 USD."
Opinion - 2010/3/1
Loudspeaker Talk by Jeff Fritz
"When setting up a high-performance audio system, most audiophiles start with the
speakers. The loudspeakers are the components that must fit in and work with the
physical/acoustical space allotted to them, and will also likely represent the largest
percentage of the system budget. Most important, speakers are the greatest determinant of
ultimate sound quality -- get the speakers wrong, and you may as well have gotten
everything else wrong, too."
Equipment review -
Verity Audio Amadis
Loudspeakers by Jason Thorpe
"When I began paying attention to audio gear, each new acquisition -- speakers,
an interconnect, even a simple isolation cone -- made me gravid with excitement. Id
rush home with my new item, unwrap it with little regard for instructions or packaging
integrity, maneuver it into position, and let the music fly."
Equipment review -
Devilsound DAC Version
2.1 USB Digital-to-Analog Converter by Jeff Fritz
"The standalone digital-to-analog converter -- a product genre that has dwindled
to relative niche status over the last decade -- has recently come roaring back to life
for one reason: the emergence of computer-based audio. DACs are now hot."
Opinion - 2010/2/1
How Close Can I Get for Half the
Price or Less? by Jeff Fritz
"Audiophiles who are committed to spending a set amount of money on a stereo
component -- for this article, Ill use loudspeakers -- would be wise to ask
themselves this: How close can I get for half the price or less? Might the answer
make a potentially expensive purchase seem foolhardy?"
Equipment review -
Bel Canto Design
DAC3VB Digital-to-Analog Converter and VBS1 Power Supply by Tim Shea
"Last summer I reviewed the Bel Canto e.One DAC3 D/A converter and CD2 CD player
on SoundStage!, our sister audio site. Together, they produced the best digital
sound Id heard through my system up till then. So when the offer came to try an
upgraded version of the original DAC3, the DAC3VB, with its new VBS1 (for Virtual Battery
Supply), I was happy to oblige."
Music Features - 2010/2/1
Keepers: Framed
"Pictures," Two Generations Apart by Richard Freed
"Fourscore and seven years ago (plus a few months), a work of music came into
being that quickly established itself as a staple of the orchestral repertory, and indeed
a showcase for the full-sized modern orchestra: Ravels stunning orchestral setting
of Mussorgskys piano suite Pictures at an Exhibition."
Special update - 2010/1/15
We were in Las Vegas at CES 2010. Check out our industry-leading show report at SoundStageNetwork.com/LasVegas2010.
Opinion - 2010/1/1
More on the new SoundStage! Network,
Plus: Our Products of the Year! by Jeff Fritz
"As you read this on the first day of the new year, Ill be preparing to
leave for Las Vegas, Nevada, and the annual Consumer Electronics Show. CES is a big thing
for us at the SoundStage! Network, and I invite you to enjoy our coverage of the event;
the first installment will be posted January 6."
Feature article -
Systematic Upgrades by Simeon
Louis Sandiford
"I have been planning to upgrade my reference playback system for some time. My
all-black Classé CA-400 power amplifier, CP-60 preamplifier, CDT-1 transport, DAC-1
processor, and Nakamichi Dragon cassette deck had served faithfully and reliably for more
than a decade."
Equipment review -
Jaton Real A&V-803
Loudspeakers by Garrett Hongo
"When I think of China, its not the New World Order that comes to mind, or
the glittering postmodern skyline of Shanghai, or the ownership of most of the USs
debt. I dont think of roasted duck in black-bean sauce, the corner Yuck-in-the-Box,
or penny toys my daughter gets in a Happy Meal from McDonalds."
More? See the Archives.