To Hans Wetzel,

Thank you for your wonderful review on Vivid Audio’s Oval V1.5. I haven’t had a chance to listen to any Vivid [loudspeakers] in person, but I like the technologies behind the brand and the “Alien” look. Here is my question for you and I’m looking for your advice. Thanks in advance.

I have a Sony TA-A1ES [integrated amplifier] and HAP-Z1ES [music player] powering my KEF LS50s. They are 6’ apart and 8’ from where I sit. I listen to Nat King Cole, Anne Bisson, Diana Krall, Adele, etc. I’m happy with this setup, but I want some more soundstage and energy to pull me into its space, or “sphere.” More bass and more transparency.

I found a one-plus-year-old [pair] of V1.5s at a dealer asking $3700. Would you recommend them as a big upgrade to my setup? What would I gain the most and would it match with my Sony integrated amp and high-resolution player? One more question: Would you recommend that I should skip the V1.5 and go with [Vivid's] B1?

Thank you,
United States

Since I own a pair of LS50s and reviewed the V1.5s, I can say without hesitation that you’ll hear a major improvement if you upgrade to the latter. Not only does the Vivid have a larger midrange-bass driver, it also has a notably larger cabinet that will allow for deeper and tighter bass response. Not only that, the Vivids produce some of the best soundstaging and “disappearing” acts that I’ve ever heard. Provided that they’re in good condition, I think the used pair of V1.5s is a steal. As for the B1, it’s likely a much more complete speaker than the V1.5 due to its three-and-a-half-way design compared to the V1.5's two-way layout; however, its even deeper bass and rear-facing woofer will load your room quite differently. If you have a reasonably sized room, the B1s might make more sense, but, personally, I think the V1.5s will suit your musical tastes just fine. . . . Hans Wetzel