To Jeff Fritz,

I recently read your 2005 review of the Boulder 1060/1010 amplifier and preamplifier and I know that you liked them. I recently was offered an opportunity to buy a used set for half of retail price. What do you think of this equipment? It has been around awhile and I'm wondering if anything has come along in the past six years at those price points that might trump the Boulder.

Thanks and kind regards,

The Boulder 1010 and 1060 are still very fine components, without question. At the prices you're considering purchasing, I don’t think you could go wrong. However, you also ask if there are any products that might trump the Boulders and the answer is yes. Specifically, these days I'm most partial to electronics from two Danish firms, Vitus Audio and Gryphon Audio Designs. Both of these companies are making products at the state of the art, though the top offerings are not cheap and not as easy to find in North America as I wish they were. I'm also listening to the Ayre KX-R preamplifier right now and can tell you without question that it is better than the Boulder 1010 in every conceivable way. You may want to hear it with the company’s MX-R or VX-R amplifiers before you make a decision. . . . Jeff Fritz